09/10/2017 11:22 AM
Secure fencing
Securing the perimeter of your home to reduce the chances of burglary
Fencing and gates are often the first form of security against intruders to your property. Therefore ensuring both the perimeter and gates around your property are secure, and do not need any repair should be a major consideration. Below is an easy checklist that you can complete to understand what you can do to improve the perimeter protection of your home/property if you need extra security. Strong and secure fencing can make a difference because it's less easily damaged and removed, which would give burglars easy access to your property.
- Staffordshire Police recommend that rear garden fences should be 1.8m high. Our fence panels must include a gravel board, making our highest residential fences 1.83m, or 1.97m high. Note: planning is not required for a wall/fence under 2m.
- For front gardens, consider installing low fencing that clearly demarcates the boundaries of your property. Low fencing such as picket fencing (1.0/1.2m high) improves visibility so you can clearly see through it and who's entering your property.
- Make sure your fence is completely secure all round the boundary and has no gaps that intruders could access the property through.
- If your fence is broken or weak in areas, now is the time to fix the problems before the winter weather and dark evenings hit and make a property an easy opportunity. Old and rotten fencing advertises that the rest of your property may not be secure either. Install fence panels facing the outside of your garden so that the rails sit on the inside of the boundary. Fence rails provide a foothold for someone trying to climb the fence, so taking them away makes the fence almost impossible to scale. If you find the look of fence rails unattractive, Jacksons have designed and manufactured fencing such as Chilham Fence Panels that have no rails. Another alternative is to use horizontal Tongue and Groove Fence Panels where the rails are vertical and cannot be used and foothold. These are a good option as they reduce the chance of climbing altogether.
- Drill screws into posts to attach fence panels to posts and hold fencing in place. This means they can't be lifted out and climbed under.
Keeping your pets safe
- Reduce the chances of your dog escaping from your garden by making sure there are no gaps they could squeeze through.
- Dogs can escape for many reasons, including loneliness, protecting territory, finding something fun, or finding a friend, so minimise the risk by properly securing your fence.
- If you own small pets such as rabbits or guinea pigs, you may already be worried about foxes getting into your property. Foxes can climb over 6ft fences, and jump up to 3ft, so consider adding toppings for extra protection, and installing any fence rails on the inside of the boundary.
High Fencing
Add fencing to walls or toppings to increase height
- It can be expensive to build brick walls, so consider adding solid fencing on top of low walls, or trellis is an option. Ensure the installation is flush with the outside edge
- You can also add trellis to existing fencing to add height. They allow light to pass through so you don't need to worry about shading your garden.
- Trellis with a close pattern such as our Tartan or Lattice are a great option to add to your wall or fence. It's hard to find a foothold in these designs, especially if you incorporate thorny plants.
- Jacksons has elevated traditional barbed wire as an additional security measure. You can choose from high security, intimidating toppers, or more aesthetically pleasing metal railing toppers that add luxury and extra height. If you choose high security fence toppings such as Cobra-Spike or Comb, make sure you put a warning up.
- Do not put bins or log stores next to walls or fencing as people can climb up on them and easily get into your property.
Use Gates
- Rear garden gates should be the same height as your fence.
- Make sure your rear garden gate is securely locked with a padlock, to make your home look less appealing to a potential burglar.
- Choose a gate where the hinge and gate sit closely together to deter people from using the hinge as a foothold.
- Our gates reverse the top hinge so they can't be lifted off.
- If you have a shared alleyway with your neighbour, consult with them about fitting a lockable gate.
Choose different Types of fencing
- Choose fencing that you like the look of, but think about the security advantages of it too.
- Closed boarded panels offer better privacy, but mean you can't see who's looking into your garden. However, they're also much harder to climb, especially if they have vertical boards.
- While Chilham panels are strong and sturdy and don't have rails, Venetian panels offer the best view of who's looking into your garden, and burglars have nothing to hide behind.
Security lights or fence spikes
Security lighting and fence spikes serve distinct purposes which both contribute to reducing the likelihood of burglary. Security lighting illuminates areas upon motion detection, enhancing visibility and deterring intruders by making their presence more conspicuous. On the other hand, fence spikes act as physical barriers, making it challenging for trespassers to climb over and access your property, without injury. Despite their differences, both serve as effective deterrents, enhancing overall security measures against potential break-ins.
- Upgrade your security with motion-activated lights, strategically placed to illuminate any movement, deterring potential intruders and enhancing visibility. Optimal for shadowy side alleyways, especially when paired with closed boarded panels such as Tongue and Groove., these lights ensure that any suspicious activity is promptly detected and visible.
- Fence spikes or security toppers are indeed effective deterrents against climbing fences or walls, but they can sometimes detract from the aesthetics of the property. It's crucial to prioritise safety when installing any type of security topping to prevent harm to passer-by or unintended accidents. Additionally, ensure that warning signs are prominently displayed to alert individuals of the presence of these security measures, promoting transparency and safety for everyone in the vicinity.
In this blog, we explore various types of garden fences designed to enhance security, offering practical solutions to protect your property and peace of mind:Garden security and safety fences
Discover how Jacksons Fencing collaborated with Essex Police and Secured by Design to enhance security at RHS Hyde Hall show garden:
Jacksons Fencing collaborate with Essex Police and Secured by Design
In this blog, we explore effective strategies for enhancing the security of your garden gates, helping you protect your property and loved ones: