Commonly, hedging already exists in your garden as the boundary, and you may be weighing up alternatives. Both fences and hedges have their advantages and can serve multiple purposes, but choosing the right one depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the characteristics of your property. Often, there is the choice to have both simultaneously, particularly if you want extra security. 

Remember, whether you decide to choose a fence or hedge, the specific type of fence or hedge should be heavily considered. Leylandii hedges are commonly planted as they are a fast growing, but this is often the type of hedge that customers replace as they can be time consuming to manage, and their roots can be damaging in some circumstances. Similarly, you don’t want to have to replace a fence after just a few years. Look for fences with a long guarantee, that also complements the aesthetic of your property. Prioritising durability and visual appeal will ensure you make a choice that stands the test of time, removing maintenance duties associated with hedges. 

Aesthetic Appeal: 

As long as high-quality, well-made fencing is chosen, then both fences and hedges can have aesthetic appeal in their own way. The type and style of the garden and property will likely influence the choice between a fence or hedge. Fence panels can provide a smart and contemporary look, enhancing both the interior and exterior views of a garden and property. They are often well-suited to modern, contemporary gardens or properties, and can be combined with planting to keep that green element. Hedges bring a natural, lush, and organic look to a garden. They can be shaped and trimmed to match various styles, from formal, manicured designs to more relaxed, natural forms. Often, hedges are used within more traditional properties or garden designs like a cottage garden or a rural property. 

Below is a before and after image from a customer who replaced a hedge in their garden with Venetian Hit and Miss and Palisade garden fence panels.

Before and After replacing hedge with fence panels


Hedges require regular maintenance, including watering, pruning, or cutting back, and occasional fertilising. There are also restrictions on when this maintenance can be carried out due to nesting, and hedge cutting and waste removal by a paid professional, if you don't own your own trimmer, will be an ongoing cost. Our timber fencing requires no maintenance during its lifetime; it’s made and treated for longevity which is showcased with our industry leading 25 year guarantee. Alternative, cheaper timber fencing with shorter or no guarantee may require maintenance to ensure it lasts and is fit for purpose, often having to be stained or painted most years to keep it looking good. 


A well-maintained hedge can last for decades, but it is crucial to choose the right type. As mentioned earlier, fast-growing hedges are often selected for quick boundary creation. However, these can become burdensome to maintain, leading many to replace them with a fence for a low-maintenance alternative. Our wooden fencing is designed to last at least 25 years, significantly outlasting many other options on the market.  

Time to install and establish: 

This one is obvious: one of the most significant advantages of a fence is the instant boundary it provides.  Whether that is for privacy, security, aesthetics, a wind break or even noise reduction with our acoustic fencing, the result, minus installation time, is instant. A hedge will take many years to establish but depending on the requirement of a hedge, such as whether it needs to be tall or short, this may impact whether a fence is a more suitable option.   

If a hedge is only required to mark a boundary, or create a low level border, it will be fit for purpose in a shorter time period. 

Privacy and Security: 

Both a fence and hedge can provide good privacy and security.  Unfortunately, a hedge will take several years to grow to the desired height and density, once established, a hedge can create a formidable barrier that is difficult to breach depending on the type.  A good fence will provide perfect privacy and security from the day it is installed.   

Read our pages on Home and Garden security fencing:

Home and Garden Security Fencing

From a security perspective, combining a hedge and a fence, as depicted in the image below, offers an effective solution. The ornamental railing provides robust security, while the hedge enhances privacy.

Ornamental Metal Fence and Hedge

Environmental and wildlife benefits: 

Hedges provide excellent benefits to the environment and can offer habitats for birds and other wildlife. 

Both fence and hedges act as windbreaks, reduce noise pollution, and they can both improve air quality on the garden side of the fence if near a road.  Hedges have an advantage of not only stopping/trapping dust and pollutants but also contributing to oxygen production. 

Hedgehog Friendly fencing

A hedge will not end up in landfill unlike a fence. Because of this, it is important to look for products that have a long guarantee to reduce the amount of waste ending up in landfill. It is worth considering the amount of concrete, which is one of the most destructive materials on the planet, that is used to install a fence.  
Remember to include a hedgehog gravel board when installing a fence to help wildlife as much as possible. 

Space Requirements:  

Hedges need space to grow, both in height and width, which can be a limitation in smaller gardens.  A fence will need around 100mm width at the posts and 50mm for a panel fence system.  The border next to the fence will also stay clean and tidy without the need to pick up leaves or twigs that a hedge will produce.  


Timber fencing is available in a wide variety of styles allowing you to match them to your home’s architecture and your personal taste. From classic picket fences to modern horizontal slats, the design possibilities are vast.  Again, hedges also have many options, but some do take many years to establish themselves. 


Depending on the material and style, fences can be initially more expensive. High-quality materials and professional installation can add up quickly, but it is unlikely to be as expensive as paying a gardener to maintain hedges over several years. 


Making the Right Choice 

Ultimately, the decision between a hedge and a fence comes down to your priorities and the specific characteristics of your property. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind: 


Are you looking for immediate privacy, security, or a decorative boundary? If instant results are crucial, a fence might be the better choice. If you are willing to wait and enjoy the benefits of a living barrier and enjoy working on your garden, then consider a hedge. 


Evaluate how much time and effort you are willing to invest in upkeep. Our fences require minimum maintenance and hedges require a reasonable amount of time and effort. 


Consider the available space in your garden or location. Hedges need room to grow and spread, whereas fences have a smaller footprint. 

Environmental Impact:

If sustainability and environmental benefits are important to you, hedges offer significant ecological advantages. 

By weighing these factors, you can determine whether a hedge or a fence is the best option for your yard. Whether you choose the natural beauty of a hedge or the practical functionality of a fence, both can enhance your property and provide the privacy and security you desire, but always look for a product with a long guarantee that is going to last. 

The following image is a before and after from a customer project by one of our Approved Installers, found in the links below.
 Hedge replaced with fence panels and trellis

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Replacing a hedge with fence panels

Ornamental Fencing and Railings