Burglary is any homeowners’ nightmare. Research by Everest found the winter adds a 25% rise in burglary incidents in the UK. It is important to constantly review your home security measures. So how can you reduce the risk of burglary?  Very few burglars are opportunist, instead they may be regularly scanning and looking for weakness to capitalise on. It is therefore crucial never to give a burglar an opportunity to strike. We've outlined some burglary prevention tips to help you. 

  • When you leave the house, make sure that you leave a radio and lights on to make the property appear occupied. If you have the luxury of two cars, park one in your driveway or ask a neighbour if they’d be happy to park their car there for the evening.

  • Check back doors and gates around the perimeter of the home are locked and working effectively. Ideally, hinges and locks should be galvanised to provide added protection against rust.

  • Automated gates can help reduce the possibility that someone can just walk into a driveway or property grounds.

  • Invest in some motion activated security lights, which will automatically illuminate an area if movement is detected. Lighting should be fitted to the front, side and rear of the home.

  • Move ladders or large bins away from fences and walls, as these can be used as climbing aids. Lock any tools inside your house, as these could be used to cut through security systems. Keep garden sheds securely locked, especially if there are high value items in the shed such as bikes or lawnmowers. You should also padlock these to heavy, static objects so they can’t be easily shifted.

  • Let nature lend a helping hand in creating an effective anti-burglar boundary on your side of any fencing, and especially around any side access points. Stocking up on ‘defensive’ plants such as Berberis, Hawthorn or roses can help create an impenetrable barrier that the majority of burglars won’t want to entertain.

berberis plant

  • Install gravel paths and drives to make it difficult for anyone to approach the house without being heard. Similarly, lay some gravel near any windows or doors.

  • If you choose to add a trellis panel on top of a fence or gate which takes the overall height to over 2m, you will require planning permission. However, growing a thorny plant along the top of a 2m fence – provided it does not feature any support structures – does not require planning permission – unless there are local restrictions in place. Check with your local planning authority first.

  • Check that the property is protected by a robust, secure perimeter fence and gate which is sufficiently sturdy to frustrate any attempts to push it over, remove any panels or parts, kick it through or climb over it.  Timber fencing is easily compromised if the posts securing the panels are rotten so always seek out a fence which offers a long life time guarantee against rot or boring insects.

For more advice on how to protect your home contact your local Crime Reduction Officer or Neighbourhood Policing Team based at your local police station.  You can also speak to an advisor at Jacksons to discuss your external security needs.

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